CBD and COVID-19 Cbd may prevent coronavirus from causing lung damage. by Chris Melore CHICAGO, Ill. — While millions of people receive the COVID-19 vaccination, millions more are still waiting for more doses to become available. Until then, a new study finds a popular ingredient in cannabis can block the virus from spreading through the lungs. Researchers in Chicago say cannabidiol (CBD) keeps SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19, from replicating in the lungs and causing severe damage. According to a pre-print study — meaning it has not been peer-reviewed yet — CBD and its metabolite 7-OH-CBD blocks out SARS-CoV-2 from replicating in the patient’s epithelial lung cells. Normally, the virus uses its spike protein to latch on to healthy cells and cut their way in. From there, SARS-CoV-2 can hijack the cell functions to make more of the virus. Cbd for covid 19 treatment A team from the University of Chicago discovered that CBD inhibits the gene expression in virus cells, including the...