How to Get The Most Out of Your Delta 8 THC Experience

 How to Get The Most Out of Your Delta 8 THC Experience

Delta-8 THC is perhaps the second most popular psychoactive cannabinoid in the world, after delta-9 THC. Its soothing, relatively mild high is extremely versatile and easy to enjoy at any time of day.

Delta-8 product comes in a selection of strains. Indica strain tends to be more mellowing, while sativa strain can make you feel motivated and uplifted. This is important since you may want a strain for bedtime, and so a certain sativa strain would be a bad choice.

Delta-8 products that are inhaled, such as flower and vapes, can kick in within just minutes, with a potent high that lasts for a couple of hours.  Edibles, like gummies, can take up to 2 or even more hours to fully take effect, with milder effects and a stronger body high for up to 8 hours.  

Delta-8 is intoxicating, and like with any intoxicating substance, you’ll want to go slow to develop your tolerance.  As a beginner, it’s easy to get too high, and while this isn’t necessarily dangerous, it can be overwhelming if you’re not used to the sensation that psychoactive cannabinoids provide.  

It can take a little while for certain D8 products to kick in, so wait before taking more because you feel like your last dose didn’t do anything.  This is especially true of edibles, which can take hours before you feel any effects, depending on how much you’ve eaten prior especially.  Wait the appropriate amount of time before considering that you need to take more.

Delta-8 is an intoxicating substance, and what that means is that you cannot drive while under the influence of it, under any circumstances.  While delta-8 is federally legal, driving while intoxicated on any substance is not, and can lead to harsh penalties.  Besides that, it's dangerous because it can cause impairment.  

Don’t Take Delta-8 if You Have an Upcoming Drug Test


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