Hybrid:, Indica and Sativa. What Does It All Mean?

 Hybrid:, Indica and Sativa. What Does It All Mean?

By now, a number of us have come across hemp products that come in a specific variety of strains. To appreciate and understand what different strains can offer us, we need to know what a strain actually is, in the first place.  Specifically, we have to get a better understanding of what Indica, Sativa, and Hybrid strains represent.  

Three Strain Categories

All strains exist in one of three categories: Sativa, Indica, or Hybrid.  So, what do these terms actually mean?  Understanding them will help you make smarter choices when selecting a particular strain based on your needs.


Indica strains are mostly known for being mellowing, which is why most people prefer to enjoy them during the evening, or at bedtime.  They typically have a stronger body high effect than Sativa strains, causing a feeling of heaviness throughout the muscles that can make a person want to just lay down and relax.  This same body high can be great for tense muscles.


Sativa strains are great for daytime, since their effects are very uplifting, and can even give you a boost of creativity, focus or motivation that can help you during the most productive parts of your day.  Sativa is associated with euphoria-like effects as well, which can be great for days when your mood isn’t great.  With sativa strains, it’s more about the cerebral experience, as the body effects tend to be more subdued.  You may notice a warm and tingly sensation in the body, however, that can definitely make you feel more physically at ease.


A hybrid strain is a result of having both Sativa and Indica in one’s lineage.  It can result from crossing a pure Sativa with a pure Indica, or, crossing together two other hybrids. A hybrid is going to provide something of a balance between the effects associated with Indica and Sativa strains. 

So, in order to figure out which type of strain is ideal for you, ask yourself what kind of experience you want to achieve. 


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